Our elected Board consists of;

Presiding Member; Terry Davis – cromcolpresidingmember@gmail.com

Parent representatives;

James Dicey

Aaron Thomson

Karleigh Dimond

Odette Hopgood-Bride

Chaune Engelbrecht

Staff representative;  Karen Gallagher

Student representative; Bridie Nicol

The Board meets 2-3 times each term and the dates are on our school calendar. Committee meetings for Property and Finance and Policy Self Review and Audit are scheduled prior to these meetings.

Please contact the Board Secretary Rebecca Anderson for any inquires at pa@cromwell.school.nz

Meeting Schedule

Tuesday 13 February 2024 – Agenda and Minutes

Thursday 21 March 2024 – Agenda and Minutes

Thursday 16 May 2024 – Agenda and Minutes

Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 8 August 2024

Thursday 12 September 2024

Thursday 24 October 2024

Thursday 21 November 2024

Charter AND Strategic Plan

Annual Implementation Plan 2024


Cromwell College 2023 Annual Plan

Board Policies